Articles and information…
5 do’s and 3 don’ts and beyond for Webinar Teaching
Paying attention to context and to culture, to individual needs, and intrinsic human curiosity are the keys to successful learning.
Team Readiness: Helping your team help itself
What do culturally diverse teams need to avoid conflict and to unleash instead their creative potential?
Translate and Relate
Fiction reading, writing, translation, and creative exercises to build intercultural competences are explored in this webinar.
One-on-one feedback with intercultural assessment tool
Case studies and the study by Schnabel remind us of how carefully we need to design the feedback phase when working with an intercultural assessment tool.
Spending time abroad – Does it get us ready for working across cultures?
What matters most – spending time abroad or having friends from other cultures?
Intercultural Sensitivity
If you could choose between knowing China’s Top 10 Do’s and Taboos and sensing how your Chinese business partner feels right now: What would you choose?
Find out about IRC Certification
If you are looking to support your clients in becoming interculturally more effective, you can now become certified to use the Intercultural Readiness Check
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+31 35 62 94 269
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IRC Center
+31 35 62 94 269
IRC certification is available worldwide. Please contact us to find out more.